Zur International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas ("Chlamy 2020") kommen vom 24. bis 29. Mai die Wissenschftler*innen auf der französischen Insel Embiez zusammen, die mit dem Algen-Modell forschen. Die Tagung findet bereits zum 19. Mal statt und dient vor allem dazu, das bestehnde Netzwerk um Neumitglieder zu erweitern und die neuesten Ergebnisse in freundschaftlicher Atmosphäre zu diskutieren. Die DBG fördert die Veranstaltung. Das Organisatoren-Team um Olivier Vallon und Michael Schroda schreibt:
The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is as a key model organism for many fundamental aspects of cell biology, from cilia and motility to photosynthesis and organelle biogenesis. The ease with which it can be grown, genetically manipulated and biochemically analyzed has allowed many historical discoveries: flagellar motility by microtubule sliding, uniparental inheritance of the chloroplast genome, subunit composition of the photosynthetic enzymes, nuclear control of chloroplast gene expression, transformation of the plastid and mitochondrial genomes, etiology of many human genetic disorders, Channelrhodopsins etc... Today, thanks to well annotated genomes, comprehensive collections of mutants and state-of-the art molecular tools for genome engineering, Chlamydomonas research is exploding with breakthrough discoveries obtained by the coupling of genetics, biophysics, advanced microscopic imaging, single cell mechanics, synthetic biology etc.
The Chlamydomonas meeting, held since the 1970s alternatively on all continents, is remarkable by its emphasis on sharing unpublished results and by the openness of exchange in a tightly-knit community. For the lastest editions, we boast about 30% newcomers each time, testifying of the development of Chlamydomonas research. The main function of the meeting is to maintain this highly collaborative spirit in spite of the diversity of Chlamydomonas research, to develop a shared knowledge of the organism behind the model.
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