Zur diesjährigen Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, laden Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer und sein Organisationsteam nach Bonn.
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are back! Delayed by one year, we are now able to organize and run the next International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences (Botanik-Tagung 2022) as an in-person conference. On behalf of the German Society for Plant Sciences, I would like to invite you to Bonn for a lively exchange on the latest discoveries in plant sciences.
For more than 200 years, plant research has been a key research area at the University of Bonn, both at the basic level and as an applied science in agriculture. Plant research in Bonn is connected with names like Julius von Sachs, Wilhelm Pfeffer, Robert Caspary and of course Eduard Strasburger, who all worked in Bonn and set footprints that we still see today. Drawing on the spirit of translational research that has been established in Bonn for two centuries, the organizing committee put together a conference program that emphasizes the importance of Plant Sciences for a Sustainable Future in 8 plenary talks, 21 symposia and a number of workshops. Together with my colleagues, I would be thrilled if you take the opportunity to participate in this in-person meeting and actively engage in presenting and discussing current work
and ideas in Bonn. The City of Bonn welcomes you at the birthplace of Ludwig van Beethoven on the Rhine, a city with plenty of history and today a forward-looking, colorful, and charming international location.
See for yourself what variety is offered to you here both in science and beyond!
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer
Zum Faltblatt mit den Themen der Tagung und den Reisestipendien für Nachwuchskräfte: