Articles for category Veranstaltung

DBG · Event


10-13 February 2025: Conference Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP2025) of our Section Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology in Hennef, Germany

9-12 March 2025: 21st Scientific Conference of our Phycology Section in Göttingen, Germany

27-29 August 2025: Scientific meeting of our Section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology in Heidelberg, Germany

1-3 September 2025: Scientific meeting of our Sections Natural Products and Applied Botany in Hildesheim, Germany


Members receive more notes on conferences via our newsletter; incl. dates of DBG's supported meetings.

Sections · Event

Next Conference of the Section 2025

The next scientific meeting of our Section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology is scheduled to take place in Heidelberg, Germany, from 27-30 August 2025. Conference chair will be Professor Dr Marcus Koch. The Call for symposia and workshops is now open until December 2024 according to the motto Frontiers in Plant Systematics and Evolution

The conference website, first Circular and further details:

Promoting young researchers · Event

ECRs invited to register for workshop on chloroplast's translational control

Registration is open for DBG's second Eduard Strasburger Hot Topic Workshop. It focusses on "Co- and posttranslational control in chloroplasts" (#DBGHotTop2024) and will be organized in Münster, Germany, from 18 – 20 November 2024. Attendance to the workshop is free for early career researchers (ECRs) and made possible through DBG's funding. The workshop will be organised by Dr Jürgen Eirich and Jens Mühlenbeck from the Institute for Plant Biology and Biotechnology at Münster University.

To workshop website Co- and posttranslational control in chloroplasts
Actualia (engl.) · Event · SciComm

May 18th is international Fascination of Plants Day (FoPD)

The seventh international “Fascination of Plants Day” (#plantday) will be launched by plant scientists across the world under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO), in which our DBG is an associated member. The goal of this activity is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious food, as well as for horticulture, forestry and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. Activities can happen from 1st March to 30th November 2024, with a peak around 18th May. In 2022 a total of 810 events in over 54 countries were held (for more details see power-point file as well as facts and figures 2024). If you would like to add your activity or event, please submit it to the organisers. The password to do so will be send to our members in the next DBG newsletter. The organisers also provide a PR toolbox with Logos, Posters and things like that to help you in promoting your event.

To FoPD Website
DBG · Event

Invitation: DBG's first Town Hall Meeting

Dear members of the German Society for Plant Sciences,

you are invited to participate in the first town hall meeting of our society on 9th January 2024 at 3 p.m. Topics:

  • News about our society (short report from strategy workshop of board, change of “Satzung” etc)
  • Possibilities for engagement in the DBG board
  • Possibilities for early career researchers
  • Reminder: Workshops, prizes
  • Plant Biology Journal (faces behind the papers,...)
  • Your suggestions and ideas

Join via Zoom (see link in your e-mail or in the Newsletter in our Intranet).

Andreas Weber and DBG's board

DBG · Event

Updates: Botanik-Tagung 2022 in Bonn

Programme Updates:

You can still register for the Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of our German Society for Plant Sciences 2022, #BT2022DBG:  

Since the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, the conference chair and the organisers of our Botanik-Tagung, ask you to comply with the regulations that are provided in order to hold a safe conference together

Scientific Programme:

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DBG · Event

Invited speakers: It's in your RNA - Hot Topic Workshop

The speakers invited to the Workshop It's in your RNA: Emerging new techniques to unravel transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation in plants on a global scale (#DBGHotTop2021) are: 

  • Peter Brodersen (University of Copenhagen, DEN)
  • Yiliang Ding (John Innes Center, UK)
  • Koen Geuten (KU Leuven, BEL)
  • Sascha Laubinger (Oldenburg University, GER)
  • François Parcy (CNRS, FRA)
  • Romy Schmidt (Bielefeld University, GER)
  • Gordon Simpson (University of Dundee, UK)

Attendance to the first DBG's Eduard Strasburger HOT TOPIC Workshop is free and will be organised by Dr. Marlene Reichel and Dr. Elisabeth Fitzek for early career plant scientists at Bielefeld University (ZiF), Germany, 18 - 19 November 2021.

Details and registration will soon be possible under:

Sections · Event

Symposium at DGfM's meeting

Our Section will organise a scientific symposium during the next meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mykologie (DGfM) at Blaubeuren, Germany, on 6th and 7th October 2021. Section speaker Prof. Dr. Dominik Begerow welcomes the international guests:

  • Dr. M. Cathy Aime, Purdue University, USA;
  • Dr J. Jennifer Luangsaard, BIOTEC, Thailand;
  • Prof. Dr. Pedro Crous, WFBI, Utrecht, Netherlands;
  • Dr. Miroslav Kolařík, Czech Academy of Science, Czech Republic;
  • Prof. Dr. Cobus Visagie, FABI, Pretoria, South Africa.

Registrations until 30th April can profit from the early bird rate. Updates shortly at DGfM's website

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Actualia (engl.) · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Event

Botanikertagung: International Plant Science Conference

DBG looks forward to meet the more than 420 plant scientists, who will come to Rostock, Germany, to participate in our Botanikertagung conference (Follow the Hashtag: #BT2019DBG).

more on the conference website

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News-Timeline · Event

Öffentlicher Vortrag: Neue Techniken in der Pflanzenzüchtung

[Translate to Englisch:] Prof. Dr. Ulla Bonas. Foto: Christoph Rieken, Leopoldina

Pflanzengenetikerin Professorin Ulla Bonas (Uni Halle-Wittenberg), zugleich Vize-Präsidentin der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (Halle) und Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs (Greifswald), spricht am 16. September 2019, 19 Uhr, in einem öffentlichen Vortrag während unserer Botanikertagung über "Neue molekulare Techniken in der Pflanzenzüchtung" im Audimax der Universität Rostock auf dem Campus Ulmenstraße. Pflanzen werden seit etwa 12.000 Jahren gezüchtet und ständig genetisch verändert, um beispielsweise die Erträge und Stressresistenz zu erhöhen oder sie stabiler gegen Krankheiten zu machen. Neben spontan auftretenden Mutationen wurden in den letzten 150 Jahren Pflanzenlinien nach Mutagenese, also durch Bestrahlung oder chemische Agenzien auf neue und erwünschte Eigenschaften selektiert. Während durch solche DNA-Sequenzänderungen Mutationen im gesamten Genom entstehen ("Schrotschussprinzip"), hat die gerichtete Einführung spezifischer Mutationen durch neue molekulare Techniken die Pflanzenzüchtung im letzten Jahrzehnt revolutioniert. Was die so genannten "programmierbaren Genscheren" bewirken, darüber wird Professorin Bonas in ihrem Vortrag sprechen.

Quelle: Uni Rostock (beim idw)

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DBG · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Event

Invitation to upcoming Botanikertagung 2019

Flyer Botanikertagung 2019 for download (pdf)

Dear Colleagues,

the Botanikertagung is the largest and most well-known conference on plant sciences in the German speaking countries. It is the essential element of the plant science scene and community and is put forward by the DBG every other year. The conference in Rostock provides a wide scientific program reflecting the huge diversity of plant science related research topics in our scientific Society. The motto of the meeting 2019 ‘Plant life along gradients’ indicates that plants have to cope with a number of different external and internal gradients for survival. Topics of 8 plenary lectures and 21 symposia range from single to multicellular photosynthetic active organisms, from basic to applied science, and from molecular-biochemical to ecological research.

The Rostock scientific committee welcomes all plant scientists!

A document now lists sessions' topics and provides further details of the International Plant Science Conference Botanikertagung in Rostock, Germany, 2019.

DBG · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Event

Botanikertagung 2019

Poster of the Botanikertagung 2019 Conference (pdf)

The next Botanikertagung of the DBG Plant life along gradients is organised by Professor Birgit Piechulla together with her Scientific Board and her organising team at Rostock University from 15–19 September 2019.

Scientific Board:

  • Prof. Dr. Inge Broer
  • Prof. Dr. Bärbel Gerowitt
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Hagemann
  • Prof. Dr. Renate Horn
  • Prof. Dr. Ulf Karsten
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Porembski
  • Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schubert
  • Prof. Dr. Christine Struck

Download conference poster Botanikertagung 2019 (pdf)

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Actualia (engl.) · Promoting young researchers · Event

Programme: Eduard Strasburger Workshop Mitochondria

The final programme for the Eduard-Strasburger Workshop of the DBG is ready and lists speakers and titles of the talks. The paper also informs about the venue and public transportation. The conference will take place in Bonn, Germany, from 17th to 19th April 2018. Orgnizers Dr. Stefanie Müller-Schüssele und Dr. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger are looking forward to an interesting meeting.

> Programme (pdf)

Actualia (engl.) · Promoting young researchers · Event

Invitation: Eduard Strasburger Workshop Mitochondria

From 17th to 19th April early career plant scientists will meet to discuss research on mitochondria at Bonn University under the title Power Plants in Plants – Mitochondrial Functions in the Green Lineage. Interested people are invited to register until 10th March 2018. The Eduard-Strasburger Workshop funded by the DBG is organised by Dr. Stefanie Müller-Schüssele und Dr. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger who look forward to an interesting meeting, which will allow early careers scientists to meet, network and discuss their recent results.

> Poster: speakers and schedule (pdf file)

> Registration Form (Word .dotx file)

> Venue: Bonn University, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology (IZMB), Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Germany

Actualia (engl.) · Event

Invitation: Botanikertagung 2017

Dear Colleagues,

the Botanikertagung is an International Conference on Plant Sciences that will next be held in Kiel, Germany, 2017 from September 17 to 21. It is organized by the Christian-Albrechts-University and our German Society for Plant Sciences (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, DBG). For the first time Danish colleagues participate in the organization of the conference. Multiple stimuli brought up by a Scandinavien perspective are expected.
The Botanikertagung is a biannual conference that brings together world leading experts and early-career scientists from a wide range of disciplines in plant biology. In 2017, the Botanikertagung addresses various facets of plant research under the title “Plant Research in a Changing World”.
The conference comprises four days of exciting presentations, including keynote lectures, poster sessions and workshops. An evening lecture open to the public will address the suitability of our crop plants for feeding the increasing world population.
It is a great opportunity for the DBG to host this conference. We wish to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the fields of biodiversity and ecosystems, interactions with the environment, evolution, cell biology, organization and expression of genomes, photosynthesis, algae, growth and development as well as biotechnology. Moreover, research on crop plants will be presented from a diachronic perspective. Take your chance to be part of this large plant science conference and to share your ideas and enjoy the fresh air at the seaside with us.

We hope to see you in Kiel!

Karin Krupinska
Chair of the conference

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Actualia (engl.) · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Event

Invitation: Botanikertagung 2011

The chairs, Professor Reinhard Kunze and Professor Bernhard Grimm invite for the international Botanikertagung, which will take place from 18 - 23 September in Berlin, Germany, under the title "Diversity makes the Difference".

Details about Botanikertagung in the flyer (pdf file)

Zur Registrierung und Abstract-Anmeldung:


Sektionstagung 2018

Die 24. Internationale Tagung der Sektion für Biodiversität und Evolutionsbiologie in der DBG fand zusammen mit der 18. Österreichischen Botanik-Tagung statt und wurde vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein für Kärnten und vom Landesmuseum für Kärnten vom 19. – 22. September 2018 an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Kärnten in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee organisiert.

zum Tagungsbericht der zweiten Sprecherin, Professorin Dr. Alexandra Müllner-Riehl

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