Sections · Event

Next Conference of the Section 2025

The next scientific meeting of our Section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology is scheduled to take place in Heidelberg, Germany, from 27-30 August 2025. Conference chair will be Professor Dr Marcus Koch. The Call for symposia and workshops is now open until December 2024 according to the motto Frontiers in Plant Systematics and Evolution

The conference website, first Circular and further details:

Actualia (engl.) · Conference Report

Symposium “Plant evolution in a changing world”

Almost 100 participants joined the Symposium and gathered for the group photo in front of the greenhouses in the Botanical Garden of the University of Gießen. Photo: Annalena Kurzweil

The symposium of our Section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology took place from 23rd to 26th August 2023 at the University of Gießen in the lecture halls of the Hermann Hoffmann Academy.  Altogether 94 scientists participated (only 4 last-minute cancellations), 34 of them students. With two international keynote speakers the organizers Prof. Dr. Volker Wissemann, Prof. Dr. Elvira Hörandl, Dr. Anže Žerdoner Čalasan, and Dr. Natalia Tkach welcomed a European audience; with most participants from Germany. The programme encompassed 19 talks and 21 posters from students. Gender balance was a 2:2 male:female ratio with the invited keynote speakers, and 17 female compared to 13 male speakers, reflecting a strong presence of females at early career stages in systematics. Elvira Hörandl summarizes the scientific highlights, names the awardees and reports about the Section’s meeting and elections.

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About us


The Section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology is the second largest in the German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG) and supports all fields of biodiversity research and evolutionary biology, which ranges from molecular systematics (phylogenomics, population genomics) to analysis of structure and function of plants and to the diversification in space and time. We use field work and biological collections and we interact with all disciplines of plant sciences and evolutionary biology. 


The Section organizes a workshop every other year in alternation with the conferences of the Botanik-Tagung (International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences).

Archieves: former meetings of the Section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology


Members will be informed about the activities of the sections, conferences, and jobs via the email newsletter of the society. The section has a membership fee of 10 Euros.

How to become a member?

Prerequisite for a membership in the Section is a membership in the German Botanical Society (DBG). To become a member, please write an informal letter to the speaker of the Section.


At first the Section was founded nonofficially at Heidelberg, Germany, in 1971, named morphology, anatomy, and systematics. In September 1993 it got its first statutes. Most of the members voted for the current name of "Biodiversity and Eevolutionary Biology" in 1998. The present statutes were decided at the the conference at Jena on 21st September in 2000. In 2014 the section decided to introduce a fee for members at the members' assembly. At the Section's meeting in Gießen in 2023, members decided to award the prizes for the best posters and oral presentations at every meeting from now on. These will be named after Catharina Helena Dörrien (1717-1795), a German botanist (see also Wikipedia).


The Section set up its own statutes (German pdf).

DBG · Sections


Spokespersons of the Section


Prof. Dr. Elvira Hörandl
University of Goettingen
Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for Plant Sciences
Department of Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants (with Herbarium)
Untere Karspuele 2
D-37073 Goettingen
Phone: +49 (0)551 / 39 7843
E-Mail: Elvira.Hoerandl [at]

Deputy Speakers

Dr. Natalia Tkach
Institut für Biologie/Geobotanik und Botanischer Garten
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Neuwerk 21
D-06108 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: +49 (0)345 5526234
E-Mail: natalia.tkach[at]

Dr. Anze Zerdoner Calasan
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Faculty of Biology
Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants
Menzinger Str. 67
D-80638 München
Phone: +49 (0)89 17861 194
E-Mail: A.Zerdoner [at]