Actualia (engl.) · Conference Report

Specialized products from plants and microbes – a natural source for biologically active compounds - ECR-meeting

Benjamin Chavez from IPK Gatersleben explains new findings in tropane alkaloid biosynthesis. Photo: Maike Petersen

The research of early career scientists (ECR) and their networking were the focus of the conference “Specialized products from plants and microbes – a natural source for biologically active compounds” of DBG’s Natural Products Section. Competently and enthusiastically, the more than twenty participants presented and discussed their research results from the broad field of plant and microbiological compounds. Prof. Dr. Maike Petersen and Prof. Dr. Ute Wittstock summarize topics and research focus of the participants and explain, in which way participants profited from the in-person meeting, which was financially supported by DBG.

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Actualia (engl.) · Conference Report

Nachwuchsforschende der Sektion Naturstoffe trafen sich zu einem online-Workshop

Sorry, in German only

Nach wiederholter, Pandemie-bedingter Verschiebung des traditionellen Sektions-Workshops für Wissenschaftler*innen im frühen Karrierestadium lud Professor Jonathan Gershenzon - statt nach Jena - zu einem alternativen Format ein: Für einen Nachmittag trafen sich 120 Naturstoff-Forschende am 29. März 2022 in einer Videokonferenz, die neben spannenden Vorträgen auch Raum für Diskussion der Forschungsergebnisse bot. Sektionssprecherin Prof. Ute Wittstock von der TU Braunschweig und Gastgeber Gershenzon vom Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Ökologie berichten über die Themen der geladenen internationalen Gäste und beschreiben, welche Techniken der Naturstoffforschung gerade einen Aufschwung bescheren.

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DBG · Sections

About us

According to our statutes the section Natural Products brings together scientists across generations who are interested in various aspects of natural products research ranging from biosynthesis over physiological and ecological function and evolution to biotechnological production of plant natural products. The sections furthers scientific exchange between its members and supports early career scientists.


Members of the section receive information about activities of the section, section meetings, workshops and relevant job announcements via Email. Our early career researches administrate a virtual forum which is meant to improve community outreach for scientific questions and ideas. Regarding any questions to the forum, feel free to contact Christoph Kentrath. You are welcome to signup through this link:

Scientific meetings

The section Natural Products meets every second year (alternating with with the International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, Botanik-Tagung) for a symposium. These meetings provide a nice platform for scientific exchange and are especially devoted to early career scientists. PhD students and postdocs have the opportunity to present their work, to discuss it in an informal atmosphere and to build their scientific network. The last workshop for early career researchers took place in Bad Endbach from 13 to 15 October 2023 (read meeting report). The next workshop of this kind is planned to take place from 1st to 3rd September 2025 in Hildesheim, Germany.


Members pay a yearly fee of 10 €. Members of our head organisation, Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft (DBG), can become a member of our section through the DBG website.

Please contact the section's speakers if you have questions, suggestions or requests.

DBG · Sections



Prof. Dr. Ute Wittstock
TU Braunschweig
Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie
Mendelssohnstrasse 1
D-38106 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0)531 391 5681
E-mail: u.wittstock[at] 

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Ober
Director Botanical Garden Kiel
Botanical Institute and Botanica Garden, Biochemical Ecology and Molecular Evolution
Universität Kiel
Am Botanischen Garten 1-9
D-24118 Kiel
E-mail: ceme[at]
fon: ++49-(0)431-880-4299
fax: ++49-(0)431-880-4500

Early Career Researchers’ Representative 

Christoph Kentrath

Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie und Biotechnologie
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Robert-Koch-Str. 4
35037 Marburg
E-mail: kentrat5[at]