Articles for category Ausbildung

DBG · Education · Funding

Recepients of our Travel Grants for a Lab Visit

Until today the following (early career) plant scientists received one of our travel grants for a lab visit to initiate new projects or learn a new plant science technique:

DBG · Education · Call · Funding

50 Travel Grants for a Lab Visit

Members, especially early career plant scientists, can receive funding for visiting another lab or institute. For example to leant new methods and scientific techniques or to initiate a new pilot study. Funding is restricted to those who will not t receive funding elsewhere. DBG offers up to 50 travel grants each year for early career plant scientists of up to 400 Euros each. Our Executive Board reviews the applications and gives you feedback about its decision (normally within one week). 


  • You must be a member of the DBG (membership applications are possible any time and also retroactively: become a member for two years)
  • PhD students and PostDocs within five years after graduation are entitled to apply
  • The visit lasts at least four workdays
  • A fixed sum of max. 80 Euros each day for travel costs and accommodation will be refunded up to the max. of 400 Euros in total
  • Applicants show the invitation of the lab that will be visited
  • Applicants confirm that they have no other sufficient funding source
  • Applicants will provide evidence of expenses with receipts after the visit
  • Applicants confirm that they will declare their travel expenses and DBG’s Travel Grant in their tax declaration (Multiple financial support is excluded)
  • After the lab visit DBG will publish the names of Travel Grant recipients together with the names of their home and the lab visited on its website.
Actualia (engl.) · Education

Praktikanten für Doktoranden

Sorry - in German only:

DBG unterstützt drei Stipendiaten

Auch dieses Jahr fördert die DBG ausländische Studierende (Undergraduates), die einer hiesigen Doktorandin oder einem Doktoranden zur Hand gehen. Organisiert wird der Austausch, bei dem nordamerikanische und britische Studierende in deutsche Hochschulen und damit auch in pflanzenwissenschaftliche Labore schnuppern, vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD). Im „Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE)“ genannten Programm koordiniert der DAAD das Zusammenführen der Doktoranden-Praktikanten-Paare und erstellt ein Ranking unter den eingegangenen Bewerbungen. Drei dieser Stipendien für die auswärtigen Praktikanten an deutschen Instituten und Hochschulen finanziert die DBG. Die Antragstellung von deutschen Doktorandeninnen und Doktoranden läuft seit 1. Oktober und endet am 30. November 2014.

Ausschreibung 2015 (pdf, de)

Beispiel einer früheren Doktoranden-Praktikanten-Zusammenarbeit in den Pflanzenwissenschaften

Details beim DAAD