Actualia · Botanik-Tagung

Eröffnung der Botanikertagung

Der Präsident, Professor Karl-Josef Dietz, eröffnete die Botanikertagung. Foto: Natalie Kowalski
Die beiden Tagungspräsidenten: Professor Erwin Grill (links) und Professor Dario Leister. Foto: Natalie Kowalski

Zur diesjährigen Botanikertagung begrüßte der Präsident der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Professor Karl-Josef Dietz, die Teilnehmenden. Er freut sich auf die anstehende Wiedervereinigung mit der Vereinigung für Angewandte Botanik e.V., die Gründung einer neuen Sektion in der DBG, dankt den Organisatoren und hebt die Bedeutung wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften hervor.

Dear colleague scientists,

on behalf of the German Botanical Society I give you my cordial welcome to the Botanical Congress 2015 in Freising. We all are looking forward to four days of interesting top science as can be expected from the speakers, titles and the tight schedule. Thus there is little time for welcome words.

Nevertheless, I like to make three points:

The historical timeline of the German Botanical Society started in 1882 with its foundation. 20 years later, the stratosphere was just discovered and the tachometer patented, the Society for Applied Botany got divorced from us. We hope for remarriage during this conference. This leads to the question, also when looking at the groundbreaking developments over the last 133 years including the internet and electronic social networking, whether in 2015 there is still a need and thus place for scientific societies.

From my point of view, which you hopefully share, we need stable, reliable, balanced and self-controlled scientific players in our human society. Thus, there is a fundamental requirement for institutions like scientific societies to participate in relevant discussions and to give advice to decision makers. Scientific societies are platforms and incubators. They have to have an over-critical size and a strong voice, and thus the remarriage with the VAB and the foundation of the scientific section of Applied Botany within the BDG represent a great step forward. In order to support these activities, please join the Botanical Society if you are not yet member.

Like with the need for societies, I am convinced that scientific meetings will not disappear. One has to talk, discuss and cherish personal connections. I wish you a good time in Freising: Keep your eyes open for novel developments, listen to the talks, squeeze out the knowledge from colleagues including established scientist.

Last, but not least I want to give my thanks to the organizers. It cannot be taken for granted that colleagues take over the huge task to organize such a big meeting. Thus, my thanks go to the chairs of the conference, Erwin Grill and Dario Leister, and their entire team for investing their valuable time in organizing this meeting. I am convinced that during the meeting they will be rewarded by receiving the positive feedback from the participants. Thanks a lot to the organizers and thanks to you for listening. Have excitement.

31st August 2015, Prof. Dr. Karl-Josef Dietz, Präsident der DBG
