Thanks and medals for our former presidents Flügge and Dietz
Our former presidents, Professor Ulf-Ingo Flügge and Professor Karl-Josef Dietz, were awarded the Simon Schwendener Medal at our Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, in Bonn, Germany. In laudatory speeches the speakers pointed out the scientific achievements of the two, recognized all over the world. In the name of all of our members they warmly thanked our former presidents Flügge and Dietz for leading and developing our German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG). Professor Flügge not only has published many scientific papers but also evolved our Society in the years 2003 to 2011, as laudatory speaker and current president Professor Andreas Weber pointed out in his laudatory speech. Professor Dietz continuously worked in scientific committees and scientific societies, has published more than 330 scientific papers – many of them highly cited – and also has developed our society internationally in the years 2012 until 2020, as Professor Andreas Meyer summarized in his laudatory speech.
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