Actualia (engl.)

Invitation Botanikertagung 2015

Dear Colleague,

The Botanikertagung is an International Conference on Plant Sciences that will next be held from August 30th to September 3th, 2015 in the vicinity of Munich. It is organized by both universities of Munich, the Technische Universtaet Muenchen (TUM) and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (LMU) under the umbrella of the German Botanical Society (DBG) and in collaboration with the Association for Applied Botany (VAB) at the TUM campus in Weihenstephan, Freising, located close to the Munich airport.

The Botanikertagung is a biannually held conference that brings together world leading pioneers, experts and early-career scientists from a wide range of disciplines in plant biology. This time, the Botanikertagung 2015 brings together various facets of plant research under the title: From Molecules to the Field.

The conference includes three and a half days of oral presentations, poster sessions and workshops. An evening lecture open to the public will address the impact of plants on our planet. It is a great opportunity for the German community of plant scientists to host this conference. We are proud to promote the exchange of knowledge and expertise in the field of plant evolution and development, cell biology, environmental interaction and ecology with presentations covering crop and model plants as well as biodiversity and systematics. You have the chance to be part of it. We hope to see you in Munich!

Dario Leister, LMU, and Erwin Grill, TUM
Chairs of the conference

more on the website
