The woodland-grassland mosaic of the Miombo region in southern Africa is home to a curious phenomenon: Many woody species of different plant families grow as regular trees in these woodlands but have closely related taxa in the open plains, growing as dwarf shrubs with huge underground woody biomass, as “underground trees” or so called geoxylic suffrutex.
The model species Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC s.l. was chosen to clarify the degree of relatedness between tree and suffrutex. The roles of environment and genetics upon the growth forms and the suffrutex evolution of were furthermore investigated and assessed. Seven different phenotypes of S. guineense were identified, sampled and ecologically and genetically via sequence- and SSR- analysis characterized.
All phenotypes were genetically very close, whereas nonetheless three distinct genotypes were identified that correspond to broader ecotypes: a water-dependent tree-ecotype growing alongside rivers, a stress tolerant shrub-/tree-ecotype growing on ferralitic soils of Miombo woodlands and finally the suffrutex-ecotype of open sandy plains. The genetic patterns and their similarity in contrast to their strong ecological distinction point to a common ancestor from humid tropical regions which speciated in several directions due to changing environmental conditions. A climate change approx. 2.5 mya led to increased precipitation seasonality with marked wet and dry seasons and accordingly habitat loss for tropical humid biota. Evolutive adaptation had been facilitated for S. guineense by ist polyploidy, a genetic preadaptation that enhances responsiveness to environmental factors. Of these, frost and fire are probable initiators of the suffrutex lifeform as both events became more frequent with marked dry seasons. Therefore the combination of genetic preadaptation and filtering environmental factors were probable drivers of the S. guineense suffrutex evolution, yet not enough time has passed to call it a separate species.
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Paulina Anna Zigelski conducted this work at the Biozentrum Klein Flottbek of Hamburg University in the working group of Prof. Dr. Norbert Jürgens.