Review: How melatonin maintains quality and delays senescence in horticultural products
Melatonin (MT) application not only maintains quality but also delays senescence in horticultural products, which is important for their nutritional quality, shelf life, commercial value, and marketability. The review "The role of melatonin in delaying senescence and maintaining quality in postharvest horticultural products" by Liu et al. summarizes significant effects of exogenous MT application on postharvest horticultural products, examines regulatory mechanisms of MT-mediated effects, and provides an integrated review for understanding the positive role of MT in senescence delay and quality maintenance. Also its role as multifunctional molecule and its coordinating functions are put together. The authors conclude that MT could become an emerging and eco-friendly preservative to extend shelf life and maintain postharvest quality of horticultural products.
Read whole paper in our scientific journal Plant Biology (2024) DOI: 10.1111/plb.13706
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