Articles for category Köpfe und Karrieren

Actualia (engl.) · People and Careers

Awarded: How proteins coordinate correct cell division

Awardee Dr. Pratibha Kumari studies transverse sections at the light microscope to investigate plant cell anatomy. Photo: Anne Honsel, UPSC

The Wilhelm Pfeffer Foundation of our German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG) awards Dr. Prathiba Kumari the Prize for the best plant science publication, which is endowed with 1,000 Euros. "In the published work, Dr. Kumari has identified a class of proteins that govern the correct positioning of the cell plate during cytokinesis and thus play a key role in plant cell division”, the board of the foundation explains its decision. These IQD proteins are linked to the cytoskeleton of plant cells and are part of a navigation system that coordinates the spatial control of cell division. Consequently, plants lacking these IQD proteins display chaotically arranged plant cells. With her article published in the journal Nature Plants (IQ67 DOMAIN proteins facilitate preprophase band formation and division-plane orientation DOI: 10.1038/s41477-021-00923-z), Dr. Kumari from the working group of Dr. Katharina Bürstenbinder from the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry in Halle, Germany, has significantly expanded our understanding of cell division in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and thus of plant growth and development. Dr. Kumari, who is currently conducting plant research as a PostDoc at the Umeå Plant Science Centre at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), will be awarded the certificate in 2024 at the next International Conference of our German Society for Plant Sciences in Halle, Germany; the plant scientist already received the prize money by now.

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Actualia (engl.) · Application · People and Careers

Marburger Team gewinnt beim internationalen iGEM-Wettbewerb mit pflanzenbiologischem Thema

The team from Marburg, Germany, won the international iGEM competition among several hundred teams from universities and received the first prize in Paris, France. Photo: OpenPlast-team Marburg

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Über 350 Teams von Universitäten aus der ganzen Welt haben am diesjährigen iGEM-Wettbewerb (international Genetically Engineered Machine competition) teilgenommen. Den ersten Platz ergatterte das Team aus Marburg: Mit ihrem Projekt OpenPlast haben 17 Studierende unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen der Philipps-Universität Marburg eine Technologie präsentiert, welche die Entwicklung neuer, klimaresistenter Nutzpflanzen rasant beschleunigen kann. Dazu setzte das Team auf Photosynthese treibende Chloroplasten, was einige Vorteile für die finale Anwendung in Nutzpflanzen bietet. Genetische Veränderungen im Chloroplasten werden nicht durch Pollen übertragen und erhöhen die biologische Sicherheit. Mit diesem Ansatz holte es den Gesamtsieg. Außerdem kommunizierte es die Ergebnisse an Schulen und in der Landwirtschaft. Warum das Team die Jury überzeugte und was ihr neues System auszeichnet, schildern die Betreuerinnen und die Studierenden hier.

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Actualia (engl.) · People and Careers

Awarded: how proteins regulate a central gene switch in seedlings

In the lab at Freie Universität Berlin Dr. Katharina Bursch analyses the hypocotyl length of Arabidopsis seedlings to determine the level of photomorphogentic growth. Photo: Venja Röber

Dr. Katharina Bursch receives this year’s Best Paper Prize in plant sciences from the German Society for Plant Sciences’ (DBG) Wilhelm Pfeffer Foundation. The prize is endowed with 1,000 Euros. “Dr. Bursch has demonstrated the existence and mode of action of cofactors that influence the growth of the seedlings’ stem after emerging from the soil into the light, more than 20 years after these cofactors were predicted”, highlights the foundation’s board. In her work she showed how a universal transcription factor like HY5 (LONG HYPOCOTYL 5) can activate transcription of its target genes through the interaction with cofactors. Dr Bursch and her colleagues from the working group of Dr. Henrik Johansson (Freie Universität Berlin), together with collaboration partners from the UK and Switzerland, identified the B-Box proteins BBX20, BBX21 and BBX22 that allow HY5 to fulfill its function as a positive regulator of photomorphogenesis in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. With the identification of these cofactors, published in Nature Plants (Identification of BBX proteins as rate-limiting cofactors of HY5, the understanding of how a master transcriptional regulator gains specificity and dynamicity was extended. Dr. Bursch will receive her certificate in September next year at the Botanik-Tagung (International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences) in Bonn, Germany. The prize money was already given to her.

Actualia (engl.) · People and Careers

Awarded: Pines „smell“ pest insect’s sex pheromones

Dr. Norbert Bittner receives DBG’s Prize for the Best Plant Science Publication for his work on early defense strategies of pines against insect herbivores. Photos: private and Benjamin Fuchs

The DBG awards Dr. Norbert Bittner (Lab of Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunze at Freie Universität Berlin) with its Best Paper Prize. Bittner who did this work in the lab of Prof. Dr. Monika Hilker during his PhD thesis together with other scientists from the Universities at the Spanish Barcelona and the Swedish Lund has demonstrated in the journal PNAS (DOI: how pines defend themselves against larvae of the herbivorous pine sawfly at an early stage. The pine trees notice the sex pheromones that female sawflies spread to attract males and thus before they lay eggs. Exposure to the pheromones primed the tree’s defense against sawfly eggs. The priming effect results in enhanced egg mortality. “For the first time it has been shown, that trees defend themselves against eggs of a herbivore at a very early time before herbivory even takes place,” the board of DBG’s own Wilhelm Pfeffer Foundation summarizes the results. Bittner will receive the deed at the next Botanikertagung. The award is endowed with 1,000 Euros.

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People and Careers · Promoting young researchers · SciComm

#SciComm Award for Robert Hoffie

Robert Hoffie, is doing a PhD on Braley at the IPK and. Photo: Iris Koeppel

Robert Hoffie, who tweets as @ForscherRobert on Twitter received the Section's first award for excellent science communication on 13th February 2020.

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Erstmals haben wir unseren neuen Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation verliehen. Die Auszeichnung ging an Robert Hoffie, Doktorand am Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung in Gatersleben (IPK). Als @ForscherRobert engagiert sich der Pflanzenforscher in Sozialen Medien, erklärt geduldig den Stand der Forschung über moderne Methoden in der Pflanzenforschung und scheut - wenn es nötig ist - auch nicht die Auseinandersetzung mit Politikern.
„Wenige andere Pflanzenwissenschaftler sind so engagiert in den sozialen Netzwerken wie Robert Hoffie“, sagte Prof. Dr. Stefan Rensing, Sprecher der Sektion. Er wünsche sich mehr Wissenschaftler wie Robert Hoffie, die unsere Themen in die Öffentlichkeit tragen und unsere Sichtbarkeit erhöhen.

Die Auszeichnung verlieh die Sektion am 13. Februar, während der jährlichen Konferenz Molecular Biology of Plants in Dabringhausen (Nordrhein-Westfalen). „Der Preis ist für mich Motivation und Bestätigung zugleich“, erklärte Robert Hoffie. Denn der aktuelle Stand der Wissenschaft sei das Beste, was wir haben, um zu fundierten Einschätzungen zu kommen. "Worauf, wenn nicht darauf, sollen wir unsere Einschätzungen denn künftig sonst stützen?“ fragt sich der 28-Jährige. Zwar könne die Wissenschaft nicht die Politik ersetzen, werde aber selbst immer mehr zu einem gesellschaftlichen Akteur.

Quelle: IPK beim idw

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Actualia (engl.) · People and Careers · Promoting young researchers

DBG honours best plant science master theses

Prof. Dr. Christian Wirth (supervisor of the master thesis), awardee Hellen Bellasus, Ronny Richter (co-supervisor of the master thesis), Prof. Dr. Alexandra Weigelt (jury member), Prof. Dr. Severin Sasso (DBG's contact partner at Leipzig University) (f.l.t.r.). Photo: Anja Kahl

Temperature regulation in tree canopies, heavy metals and herbivory, speciation, development of fluorescent sensors for hypoxia investigations, a phytopararetrovirus of sugar beet, (bio-)synthesis and chemistry of suberin and leucine, as well as the development of orchards in the city were topics of the ten awarded master theses, which were given DBG's awards for best plant science master theses in 2019. The work was carried out at the universities of Bayreuth, Bielefeld, Bonn, Dresden, Cologne, Leipzig, Münster, Oldenburg, Rostock, Salzburg, and the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. DBG thanks all involved jury members at the universities.

​read more about all 10 awarded theses

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Actualia (engl.) · DBG · People and Careers · Promoting young researchers

Best Paper Prize: Recipients 2018

Dr. Katja Meyer and Dr. Max Lauterbach are awarded with DBG's Best Paper Prize. Photos: Janina Lüders (r) und private

The DBG awarded the two scientists Dr. Katja Meyer (Bielefeld University, WG Prof. D. Staiger) and Dr. Max Lauterbach (Mainz University, WG Prof. G. Kadereit, now Australia) with the Best Paper Prize in Plant Sciences 2018. Meyer adapted the iCLIP technique for plants and identified numerous rhythmic transcripts to be directly regulated by the clock-controlled RNA-binding protein AtGRP7. She published the results in the Journal Genome Biology (DOI: 10.1186/s13059-017-1332-x). Lauterbach identified genes putatively encoding novel C4 proteins through a comparison of five chenopod species with different photosynthetic types. He published the results in the journal Frontiers in Plant Science (DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01939). The awardees will receive their certificates next year during the Conference Botanikertagung in Rostock, Germany. The financial endowments were already given to them.

Read more about DBG’s support of young scientists

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Actualia (engl.) · People and Careers · Promoting young researchers

DBG Honoured best Master Theses

Bielefeld University awarded certificates for the best Master theses of the year 2017. Among them the prize for the best plant science master thesis of Jan Hendrik Hoerner (third from right). Photo and Copyright: Ch. Weische, Bielefeld University on 6th Dec 2017

Why an invasive pest slug devoured some lettuces while others remain untouched was one of the topics of the honoured master theses (little hint: it were not the salads themselves). The other young plant scientists elucidated specific functions of N-glycosylated proteins in plants, analysed the effects of inhibited chloroplast's development on genetic expression, tested, which substances of an invasive plant contributed to substantial crop failure. One thesis clarified three algal taxa of Trachelomonas, that were validly described already 100 years ago. For the fourth time the German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG) has awarded outstanding MSc theses. This year they were given to three female and two male biologists from the universities of Bielefeld, Münster, Salzburg, Kiel as well as LMU in Munich. The summaries and images of the outstanding works are now on the website.  
See overview

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