Prize for the Best Publication: awarded scientists
The Wilhem Pfeffer Foundation awards a Prize for the Best Plant Science Publication of a year which came out of a Master, Diploma or PhD thesis since 2006. The following scientists were endowed with the Best Paper Prize:
Dr. Pratibha Kumari
Kumari, P., Dahiya, P., Livanos, P., Zergiebel, L., Kölling, M., Poeschl, Y., Stamm, G., Hermann, A., Abel S., Müller, S., Bürstenbinder, K. (2021): IQ67 DOMAIN proteins facilitate preprophase band formation and division-plane orientation. Nat. Plants 7, 739–747.
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Dr. Katharina Bursch
Bursch, K., Toledo-Ortiz, G., Pireyre, M., Lohr, M., Braatz, C., Johansson, H. (2020): Identification of BBX proteins as rate-limiting cofactors of HY5. Nature Plants, 6, 921–928. DOI:
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Dr. Norbert Bittner
Bittner, N., Hundacker, J., Achotegui-Castells, A., Anderbrant, O., Hilker, M. (2019): Defense of Scots pine against sawfly eggs (Diprion pini) is primed by exposure to sawfly sex pheromones. PNAS, 116, 24668-24675. DOI:
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Dr. Jutta Baldauf
Baldauf J.A., C. Marcon, A. Lithio, H. Schoof, D. Nettleton, F. Hochholdinger (2018): Single-Parent Expression is a general mechanism driving extensive complementation of non-syntenic genes in maize hybrids. Current Biology 28, 431–437. DOI:
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Dr. Aleksandra Sapala
Sapala A., A. Runions, A.-L. Routier-Kierzkowska, M. Das Gupta, L. Hong, H. Hofhuis, S. Verger, G. Mosca, C.-B. Li, A. Hay, O. Hamant, A.H.K. Roeder, M. Tsiantis, P. Prusinkiewicz, R. S. Smith (2018): Why plants make puzzle cells, and how their shape emerges. eLife. DOI:
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Dr. Katja Meyer
Meyer K., T. Köster, C. Nolte, C. Weinholdt, M. Lewinski, I. Grosse, D. Staiger (2017): Adaptation of iCLIP to plants determines the binding landscape of the clock-regulated RNA-binding protein AtGRP7. Genome Biology 18, 204. DOI:
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Dr. Max Lauterbach
Lauterbach, M., Schmidt, H., Billakurthi, K., Hankeln, T., Westhoff, P. Gowik, U., Kadereit, G (2017): De novo Transcriptome Assembly and Comparison of C3, C3-C4, and C4 Species of Tribe Salsoleae (Chenopodiaceae). Front. Plant Sci. 8, 1939. DOI:
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Dr. Meret Huber
M. Huber, J. Epping, C. Schulze Gronover, J. Fricke, Z. Aziz, T. Brillatz, M. Swyers, T.G. Köllner, H. Vogel, A. Hammerbacher, D. Triebwasser-Freese, C. A. M. Robert, K. Verhoeven, V. Preite, J. Gershenzon, M. Erb (2016): A Latex Metabolite Benefits Plant Fitness under Root Herbivore Attack. Plos Biology. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002332
Dr. Bettina Ohse
Ohse B, Hammerbacher A, Seele C, Meldau S, Reichelt M, Ortmann S, Wirth C (2016) Salivary cues: Simulated roe deer browsing induces systemic changes in phytohormones and defense chemistry in wild-grown maple and beech saplings. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12717,
Dr. Maria Will
Will M and Claßen-Bockhoff R (2014): Why Africa matters: evolution of OldWorld Salvia (Lamiaceae) in Africa. Annals of Botany 114: 61–83 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcu081
Dr. David Heckmann
Heckmann D, Schulze S, Denton A, Gowik U, Westhoff P, Weber APM, Lercher MJ (2013): Predicting C4 Photosynthesis Evolution:
Modular, Individually Adaptive Steps on a Mount Fuji Fitness Landscape. Cell, 153, 1579–1588. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2013.04.058
Dr. Katharine G. Rascher
Christine Hellmann
Katherine G. Rascher, Christine Hellmann, Cristina Máguas, Christiane Werner (2012): Community scale 15N isoscapes: tracing the spatial impact of an exotic N2-fixing invader. Ecology Letters 15: 484–491. DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01761.x
Dr. Michelle Ast
Dr. Ansgar Gruber
M. Ast, A. Gruber, S. Schmitz-Esser, H. E. Neuhaus, P. G. Kroth, M. Hoern & I. Haferkamp (2009): Diatom plastid depend on nucleotide import from the cytosol. PNAS 106, 3621-3626.
Dr. Katharina Bräutigam
K. Bräutigam, L. Dietzel, T. Kleine, E. Ströher, D. Wormuth, K.-J. Dietz, D. Radke, M. Wirtz, R. Hell, P. Dörmann, A. Nunes-Nesi, N. Schauer, A. R. Fernie, S. N. Oliver, P. Geigenberger, D. Leister, T. Pfannschmidt (2009): Dynamic plastid redox signals integrate gene expression and metabolism to induce distinct metabolic states in photosynthetic acclimation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21, 2715-2732.
Dr. Jyothilakshmi Vadassery
Vadassery J, Ranf, S. Drzewiecki, C, Mithöfer A, Mazars, C, Scheel, D, Lee, J. Oelmüller R (2009): A cell wall extract from the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica promotes growth of Arabidopsis seedlings and induces intracellular calcium elevation in roots. Plant Journal 59, 193-206.
Dr. Susanne Horn
S. Horn, K. Ehlers, G. Fritzsch, M.C. Gil-Rodriguez, C. Wilhelm & R. Schnetter (2007): Synchroma grande spec. Nov (Synchromophyceae class. Nov. Heterokontophyta): An Amoeboid Marine Alga with Unique Plastid Complexes. Protist 158, 277-293, 2007
Dr. Holger Kreft
H. Kreft & W. Jetz (2007): Global Patterns and determinants of vascular plant diversity. PNAS, 104: 5925-5930.
Dr. Uwe Simon
U.K. Simon, R. Bauer, D. Rioux, M. Simard, F. Oberwinkler (2004): The intercellular biotrophic leaf pathogen Cymadothea trofolii locally degrades pectins, but not cellulose or xyloglyucan in the cell walls of Trifolium repens. New Phytologist 165, 243-260.
Dr. Eva Nowack
E.C.M. Nowack, B. Podola, M. Melkonian (2005): The 96-well Twin-Layer System: A novel Approach in the Cultivation of Algae. Protist 156, 239-251.