DBG · Promoting young researchers

Wilhelm Pfeffer Prize of the DBG

The Wilhelm Pfeffer Prize is awarded by the DBG's Wilhelm Pfeffer Foundation for an outstanding PhD thesis (dissertation) in the field of plant sciences and scientific botany. It is considered to promote young scientists.

The Prize comprises

  • a document comprising the name of the award winner, the title of the award winning thesis togehter with its date and place of publication. The document is underwritten by the president of the Wilhelm Pfeffer board
  • a sum of € 2500.-
  • a travel allowance for the award winner to join the "Botanik-Tagung" (International Conference of our German Society for Plant Sciences) where the prize will be presented.

The Wilhelm Pfeffer Prize cannot be allocated to more than a single person.

Proposing candidates

Proposals can be made by full members or honorary members of the German Botanical Society only. No one can propose his/her own PhD thesis.

Proposals should comprise a written outline why the thesis is of special value, a Curriculum Vitae, and a publication list of the proposed candidate, if available.

The candidates should have received their PhD from a scientific university. The candidates may not exceede 30 years of age when finished their PhD. Times of military or civil services and parenting times may be excluded. The thesis should be younger than three years upon proposal.

The award winner is obliged to present his/her thesis in an oral presentation of about 30 minutes after the presentation of the prize. The oral presentation will be integrated into the programme of the annual conference of the German Botanical Society (Botanikertagung). The manuscript of the oral presentation will be submitted to the editors of Plant Biology.

Survey and deadline

More information about the procedures are in the constitution of the Wilhelm Pfeffer Foundation (published in Plant Biology 7 (2005), # 6, pages N15-N17).

The person named in the announcement has to receive complete proposals in an electronic version until the date cited in the announcement.