DBG is part of the VBio and founding member of its predecessor

The DBG is member in the VBIO (Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin e.V.), which is the umbrella organisation of the German bio and life sciences association. The former representatives of these disciplines in Germany, - the VdBiol (Verband Deutscher Biologen und biowissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschaften) and the vbbm (Verbund biowissenschaftlicher und biomedizinischer Gesellschaften) - joined forces in May 2007. Together with 12 other scientific societies, the DBG founded the predecessor vbbm in March 17th 2004.

The VBIO comprises about 5.000 individual members, more than 35.000 members of life science organisations and 80 companies and institutions. Thus, VBIO unites everyone in Germany who is involved in Bio and Life Sciences at schools, universities, industry, administration, research institutions or as a free-lancer under one roof.

VBIO will contribute to enhance the perspectives of Life Sciences as well as those of Life Scientists: VBIO will support the next generation of biologists at high schools and universities, providing information about exciting career paths, raising the interest to study biology and communicate the excitements of life sciences. VBIO will commit itself completely to solidify the status of biology within the curricula. VBIO represents all bio and life scientists and supports their social and economical acceptance and recognition. VBIO acts as contact organization to governmental institutions, providing expertise and advice. VBIO will also continuously monitor the relevant political scene and will pro-actively communicate statements on current affairs. VBIO is dedicated to help avoid further “Brain Drain” in our country.