International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences

The German Society for Plant Sciences (Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, DBG) organizes an international congress, Botanik-Tagung, providing a meeting for all plant science disciplines in the middle of Europe every other year. It thus offers a place for interdisciplinary exchange, project initiation and networking. Members of the DBG meet in our general assembly and some of our Sections also come together in their member assemblies.

Our next Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, is scheduled to take place in Bochum, Germany, from 6th to 12th September 2026 and will be organized by Professor Christopher Grefen and his team.

Internat. Botanik-Tagung


The next Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of our German Society for Plant Sciences, is planned to take place at Halle a.d. Saale (Germany) from 15th until 19th September 2024. It is jointly organized by the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), and the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemisty (IPB). Conference chair of the meeting with the title Growing Solutions for growing Challenges is Prof. Dr. Edgar Peiter. 

Plenary speakers:

  • Sabeeha Merchant (Berkeley, CA/US)
  • Giles Oldroyd (Cambridge/UK)
  • Bipin Pandey (Nottingham/UK)
  • Josep Peñuelas (Barcelona/ES)
  • Meredith Schuman (Zürich/CH)
  • Keiko Torii (Austin, TX/US)
  • Cyril Zipfel (Zurich/CH)
  • Staffan Persson (Copenhagen; DK)

Scientific Committee in Halle

  • Steffen Abel
  • Helge Bruelheide
  • Ingo Heilmann
  • Sascha Laubinger
  • Kristina Kühn
  • Marcel Quint
  • Nicolaus von Wirén

Important Dates:

  • Travel grants (for members) deadline: 25 May 2024
  • Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2024
  • Early bird registration deadline: 23 June 2024


Internat. Botanik-Tagung

Childcare reservation deadline

If you want to use childcare services during the Botanik-Tagung, our international plant science conference in September in Halle, Germany, make sure to reserve a place until 15th August 2024, since only registered children can be looked after! Unfortunately, an on-site registration for childcare will not be possible!

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Internat. Botanik-Tagung

Abendvortrag: Biodiversität - Status, Trends, Folgen und Handlungsbedarf

Im öffentlichen Abendvortrag der Botanik-Tagung entführt der Geobotaniker, Prof. Dr. Helge Bruehlheide von der Universität Halle, auf eine Reise durch die Welt der Biodiversität. In den letzten Jahren ist eine alarmierende Abnahme der Biodiversität zu beobachten. Dieser Rückgang betrifft nicht nur einzelne Arten, sondern ganze Ökosysteme, die essenziell für unser Wohlergehen und unsere Lebensgrundlagen sind. Der Vortrag geht auf die neuesten Erkenntnisse über den aktuellen Stand der Biodiversität ein und zeigt, wie sich diese Vielfalt im Laufe der Zeit verändert hat, welche Rolle dabei Landnutzungsänderungen und der Klimawandel spielen und welche Folgen der Verlust an Biodiversität für die Umwelt und die Gesellschaft hat. Umdenken und Handeln auf verschiedenen Ebenen sind erforderlich, um den rapiden Rückgang der Biodiversität zu stoppen. Das wird der Vortrag am 16. September um 19:30 Uhr an der Universität Halle im Melanchthonianum, Hörsaal XX, allgemeinverständlich veranschaulichen. 

Internat. Botanik-Tagung

Workshops - Botanik-Tagung 2024

The following workshops are planned at Botanik-Tagung 2024, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences:

  • "Writing and Publishing" mit Mary Williams
  • "Phenotyping Workshop”
  • "Assay Design Guidelines for qPCR and dPCR”
  • "Plant Lighting and Energy Efficiency”
  • "Plant Water Status Workshop”
  • "Wie Forschungs- und Selbstpräsentation gelingen" (auf Deutsch)
  • "Wie kommt (m)ein Thema in die Medien?" (auf Deutsch)

They can be seen soon at the conference website:

Actualia (engl.) · Internat. Botanik-Tagung

Invitation to the international Botanik-Tagung (BT2024)

Prof. Dr. Edgar Peiter and his organizing committee invite all plant scientists to take part in Botanik-Tagung, the International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, at Halle/Saale, Germany, from 15th until 19th September 2024. The programme brings together 29 internationally leading plenary and keynote speakers, who span the entire field of plant sciences - from molecules to ecosystems. This year’s motto Growing Solutions for Growing Challenges reflects the potential of plant sciences to counter existential problems of our planet, such as carbon sequestration and the adaptation of crops to climate change challenges. The Botanik-Tagung furthers scientific exchange to improve our fundamental understanding of plants and to translate it into resilient crops and ecosystems. Workshops, the programme, and the city of Halle stimulate to socialize and to continue scientific discussions until late

> read Welcome Note on conference website

> Conference Website:

> To Conference Poster including all Plenary and Keynote Speakers as well as all Sessions (pdf)

Actualia (engl.) · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Promoting young researchers

BT2024: 60 Travel Grants for ECRs

Update 08 April 2024: all 60 grants have already be allocated.

To support participation of early career plant scientists (ERC) in our International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences (BT2024: Botanik-Tagung 2024 15th to 19th September 2024 in Halle a.d.S., Germany), DBG provides a maximum of 60 travel grants up to 400 Euro each for members, who actively take part in the conference with a talk or a poster. DBG reimburses traveling and accommodation costs as well as registration fees. Grants will be allocated according to the order in which applications are received; until 25th May the latest. It therefore is advantageous to apply rapidly.

Details are in our intranet (login required)

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The International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, "Botanik-Tagung", took place at Bonn University, Germany, chaired by Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer, from 28 August to 1 September 2022.

Important dates

Actualia (engl.) · DBG · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Conference Report

Botanik-Tagung: Plant Sciences Takes a Key Role to Ensure Sustainability

Participants were welcomed in the Audimax of the university. Photo: Yannic Müller

End of August our German Society for Plant Sciences held its conference at the University of Bonn to cover the broad range of plant science topics, to support exchange among the more than 600 participating scientists, bring together established and early career researchers, and to provide opportunities for cooperation and networking. In his report, conference chair Professor Andreas Meyer not only mentions the impressive history of plant sciences at the University of Bonn but also gives an overview about the scientific topics at the conference, the awards given and informs about the answers to a quiz the local organizers invented for this conference.

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DBG · Event

Updates: Botanik-Tagung 2022 in Bonn

Programme Updates:

You can still register for the Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of our German Society for Plant Sciences 2022, #BT2022DBG:  

Since the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, the conference chair and the organisers of our Botanik-Tagung, ask you to comply with the regulations that are provided in order to hold a safe conference together

Scientific Programme:

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Programme with Abstracts

The Programme of our Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences 2022, is available.

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100 Travel Grants for young scientists

To support participation of early career plant scientists in our International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences (Botanik-Tagung 2022), DBG provides a maximum of 100 travel grants up to 350 Euros each for participants, who actively take part in the conference with a talk or a poster. DBG reimburses traveling and accommodation costs as well as registration fees. Grants will be allocated according to the order in which applications are received. Being fast therefore is of advantage.

Details are in our intranet (login required)

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Internat. Botanik-Tagung

Invitation to Botanik-Tagung 2022

Conference flyer for the upcoming Botanik-Tagung 2022 (pdf)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer and his organizing committee invite all plant scientists to take part in Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, in Bonn, Germany. 

Dear colleagues and friends,

We are back! Delayed by one year, we are now able to organize and run the next International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences (Botanik-Tagung 2022) as an in-person conference. On behalf of the German Society for Plant Sciences, I would like to invite you to Bonn for a lively exchange on the latest discoveries in plant sciences.
For more than 200 years, plant research has been a key research area at the University of Bonn, both at the basic level and as an applied science in agriculture. Plant research in Bonn is connected with names like Julius von Sachs, Wilhelm Pfeffer, Robert Caspary and of course Eduard Strasburger, who all worked in Bonn and set footprints that we still see today. Drawing on the spirit of translational research that has been established in Bonn for two centuries, the organizing committee put together a conference program that emphasizes the importance of Plant Sciences for a Sustainable Future in 8 plenary talks, 21 symposia and a number of workshops. Together with my colleagues, I would be thrilled if you take the opportunity to participate in this in-person meeting and actively engage in presenting and discussing current work
and ideas in Bonn. The City of Bonn welcomes you at the birthplace of Ludwig van Beethoven on the Rhine, a city with plenty of history and today a forward-looking, colorful, and charming international location.
See for yourself what variety is offered to you here both in science and beyond!
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer

Read more in our flyer that lists the conference's topics and introduces travel grants for early career scientists:


Actualia (engl.) · DBG · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Conference Report

Botanikertagung: Plant Science is Essential for our Future

Conference chair Prof. Dr. Birgit Piechulla wore the conference t-shirt displaying the conference motto Plant Science for our Future. Photo: Thomas Rahr

More than 400 plant scientists from more than 25 countries came together in September in Rostock, Germany, to exchange and discuss latest research results. Conference chair Prof. Dr. Birgit Piechulla reports about the diversity of plant science disciplines by summarizing the keynote lectures.

Sorry, in German only

Mehr als 400 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus mehr als zwei Duzend Ländern kamen im September zur Botanikertagung zusammen, um die jüngsten Forschungsergebnisse zu diskutieren. Anhand der Plenarvorträge stellt Tagungspräsidentin, Prof. Dr. Birgit Piechulla, die Vielfalt der pflanzenwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen heraus, die in Rostock besonderes Augenmerk verdienen. Die rasante Entwicklung neuer Züchtungsmethoden u.a. mit CRISPR thematisierte der öffentliche Abendvortrag an der Universität, die dieses Jahr ihre 600-Jahrfeier beging.

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Actualia (engl.) · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Event

Botanikertagung: International Plant Science Conference

DBG looks forward to meet the more than 420 plant scientists, who will come to Rostock, Germany, to participate in our Botanikertagung conference (Follow the Hashtag: #BT2019DBG).

more on the conference website

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Botanikertagung 2019: Registration open

Registration for Botanikertagung (Rostock, Germany, 15 - 19 September 2019) is open now. Please note important dates about the international conference:

  • Travel Grant Application deadline: 15 May 2019
  • Early bird registration until 30 May 2019
  • Abstract submission for oral presentations until 30 May 2019
  • Abstract submission for posters until 15 July 2019
  • Sessions from many plant science disciplines: see invitation

Conference website

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Invitation to upcoming Botanikertagung 2019

Flyer Botanikertagung 2019 for download (pdf)

Dear Colleagues,

the Botanikertagung is the largest and most well-known conference on plant sciences in the German speaking countries. It is the essential element of the plant science scene and community and is put forward by the DBG every other year. The conference in Rostock provides a wide scientific program reflecting the huge diversity of plant science related research topics in our scientific Society. The motto of the meeting 2019 ‘Plant life along gradients’ indicates that plants have to cope with a number of different external and internal gradients for survival. Topics of 8 plenary lectures and 21 symposia range from single to multicellular photosynthetic active organisms, from basic to applied science, and from molecular-biochemical to ecological research.

The Rostock scientific committee welcomes all plant scientists!

A document now lists sessions' topics and provides further details of the International Plant Science Conference Botanikertagung in Rostock, Germany, 2019.

DBG · Internat. Botanik-Tagung · Event

Botanikertagung 2019

Poster of the Botanikertagung 2019 Conference (pdf)

The next Botanikertagung of the DBG Plant life along gradients is organised by Professor Birgit Piechulla together with her Scientific Board and her organising team at Rostock University from 15–19 September 2019.

Scientific Board:

  • Prof. Dr. Inge Broer
  • Prof. Dr. Bärbel Gerowitt
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Hagemann
  • Prof. Dr. Renate Horn
  • Prof. Dr. Ulf Karsten
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Porembski
  • Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schubert
  • Prof. Dr. Christine Struck

Download conference poster Botanikertagung 2019 (pdf)

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Former Botanikertagung Events

Titel / Title

Präsident / President

Botanik-Tagung 2022
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
28 August - 1 September 2022

Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer

Botanikertagung 2019
Rostock University, Germany
15 - 19 September

Prof. Dr. Birgit Piechulla

Botanikertagung 2017
Christian-Albrechts-Universität (CAU) Kiel, Germany
17 - 21 September 2017

Prof. Dr. Karin Krupinska

Botanikertagung 2015
Freising near Munich, Germany
30 Aug - 3 Sept 2015

Prof. Dr. Dario Leister &
Prof. Dr. Erwin Grill

Deutsche Botanikertagung 2013
Tübingen, Germany

Prof. Dr. Klaus Harter

"Diversity makes the Difference"; Berlin, Germany, 2011

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kunze & 
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Grimm

"Plants for the Future", Leipzig, Germany, 2009

Prof. Dr. Christian Wilhelm

"125 Jahre Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft", Hamburg, Germany, 2007

Prof. Dr. Michael Böttger