DBG Endorses Manifesto for Higher EU-Funds for Research & Innovation in 2021-27
The German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG) endorses the Manifesto "More funds for Research and Innovation" from the European Union. It claims that the budgets for research and innovation in for 2021-27 must be raised substantially and more funds must be allocated for each one of the main chapters, namely Agriculture policy, Cohesion and Competitiveness. By defining in which areas the EU should invest more or less over the seven years, the MFF is an expression of political priorities as well as a budgetary planning tool. It is important that these areas gain more funds, since Horizon 2020, for its high ambition and targets, has been severely underfunded (as the mid-term report published in July 2017 clearly evidenced). This mustn’t be repeated. Since research and research-based innovation are the main drivers of EU competitiveness and growth and since science contributed to the wellbeing of all European citizens, investments in research and innovation are essential to relaunch Europe’s competitiveness. Therefore, the EU should provide more funds for research and innovation. Since the EU Council will decide this within the next months about research budgets, 1518 scientists, scientific societies and organisations as well as companies have already endorsed the Manifesto to date. Also the President of the DBG in the name of all DBG’s members.
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